What is the Miracle League of Westchester?
The Miracle League of Westchester is a league for special needs children and adults that enables them to play baseball at a specially designed adaptive field. The Miracle League of Westchester was founded in 2006. The field is being built this summer through an initiative from County Executive Andy Spano and the County Board of legislators. The Miracle League was started in Conyers, Georgia in 1997, and since then Miracle Leagues have been started all over the country. The Westchester League is the first in New York State.
My child has never played baseball or any other sport; can he or she participate in this league?
Every child, no matter his or her level of ability, can participate in the Miracle League of Westchester.
Where will the games be played and when?
All games will be played on the field of dreams located at Ridge Road Park in Hartsdale. All league games will take place on weekends starting no earlier than 10:00 AM. Check back at the website for updates on schedules and league details.
How is the game played? How long is a game?
Typically each game lasts about two hours. They are non-competitive in nature, with each player batting, running the bases and scoring each inning. Volunteers will be assigned to each individual to assist throughout the game. There are no losers in this game, only winners with the score tied at the end of each game. The focus is more on participation than on winning. The teams will have 12-15 players.
Do I need to bring anything?
Only yourselves and whatever you require for the care of your child. Before the beginning of each season every participant will receive a shirt and cap that is to be worn at each game. They should bring with them a baseball glove to be used during the course of the game. There are accessible bathrooms and a place for picnics. There is no food or beverages available at the park but you can bring whatever you need to enjoy the game.
What are buddies and how do they help?
Each player will have a “buddy” at each game. This buddy is there to protect the player from balls, assist the player in batting and running the bases and to be a friend on and off the field. Depending on the availability and number of Buddies, our plan is to have them assigned to the same child for the whole season. Buddies will be given a Miracle League shirt for their participation. They are expected to arrive at games thirty minutes before the start of the game and to notify the Miracle League Buddy coordinator at least twenty-four hours prior to the game if they will not be able to make the game. Buddies start at age 12. The siblings, parents, relatives, and friends of players can be their Buddies.
What will the new Miracle League field be like?
The new field will be at the Ridge Road Park in Hartsdale, NY. It will be totally handicapped accessible and the size of a small baseball field. It will have a synthetic surface that allows easy use of wheel chairs, walkers, and other adaptive devices. There are restrooms and parking. To see a picture of a Miracle League field, check the album page on this website.
How can I volunteer?
The Miracle League of Westchester will need lots of volunteers for the inaugural season, and to help us get the season underway. We’ll need volunteers to help manage the league and teams and to help with league organization, publicity, and other activities.
Are there registration fees?
There will be no player fees . The Miracle League of Westchester is extremely fortunate to have the generous participation of Westchester County Government. The County has provided a site and the means to build the Miracle field. We welcome donations to help with the costs of operating the league, the uniforms and equipment.
How can I donate to the Miracle League of Westchester?
There are several ways you can help. Individual donations can be made through our secure PayPal service right here on our website. Just return to the home page and click the donate button on the bottom right. Donations will then be instantly sent to the Miracle League. Otherwise checks can be made out to Miracle League of Westchester, Inc. and mailed to our headquarters at 177A East Main Street #467 New Rochelle, NY 10801. All donations are tax deductible.