Volunteer With Us!
Volunteers are a vital part of the success of the Miracle League. Become a buddy or a coach today with no prior experience required.Become A Buddy
What is a Miracle League Buddy?
Buddies are a vital part of the success of the Miracle League. Each Miracle League player is assigned a buddy for each game. The buddy is there to protect the player from balls, assist the player in batting and running the bases, and to be a friend on and off the field. Buddies receive a Miracle League shirt for their participation, and can also earn credit for service hour requirements for school programs, church and temple groups, and other community organizations.
Once you participate, you see that being a buddy allows you not only to make a difference in a special child’s life, but also to create a positive awareness in yourself. And you’ll find that being a buddy is lots of fun!
Who is eligible to be a buddy?
Buddies are a vital part of the success of the Miracle League. Each Miracle League player is assigned a buddy for each game. The buddy is there to protect the player from balls, assist the player in batting and running the bases, and to be a friend on and off the field. Buddies receive a Miracle League shirt for their participation, and can also earn credit for service hour requirements for school programs, church and temple groups, and other community organizations.
Once you participate, you see that being a buddy allows you not only to make a difference in a special child’s life, but also to create a positive awareness in yourself. And you’ll find that being a buddy is lots of fun!
How do I become a Buddy?
Buddy registration is held year-round. You can fill out the attached registration form. You can also download registration forms at www.mlwny.org under the Volunteers section of the site.
What is the idea behind the Buddy Program?
Being a buddy allows parents, children and volunteers to come together to help special needs children. The Buddy Program has great impact on all participants. Buddies and players alike learn valuable skills like patience, understanding and compassion.
What is required to be a buddy?
Buddies should be energetic, committed and enthusiastic for each game. Although we don’t require it, we encourage buddies to keep a consistent schedule, allowing for Miracle League players to grow more comfortable with their new friends.
Do I stay with the same player all season?
Depending on their availability, buddies are assigned to the same child or team for the whole season. However, we also welcome buddies who may not have assigned players, but who cover where needed.
Is there special training involved?
Yes, each buddy is required to complete a basic skills training course. This “sensitivity” training provides guidelines, suggestions, and direction on how to have fun and make the experience safe and enjoyable for our Miracle League children.
What is expected of me on game days?
Buddies are expected to arrive at games fifteen minutes before the start of the game and to notify the Miracle League Buddy coordinator at least twenty-four hours prior to the game if they will not be able to make the game. Most important, be ready to have a good time with your Miracle League player.
Become A Coach
Coaching Opportunities
Do you have an hour on Saturday or Sunday to spare in the spring or fall? No practices. No play-offs. No angry competition. Just fun! Prior coaching experience is not needed. What you need is to be enthusiastic an ensure that everyone is having fun and participating. This will be the best coaching experience you’ll ever have.
What is expected from a coach?
- Ensure a safe playing environment for the players.
- Communicate with the team (example: notify of change in schedules, league announcements, etc.)
- Before play begins, make sure each player has a Buddy.
- Make sure players have the opportunity to learn new skills.
- Foster team spirit and focus on player abilities.
- Know the abilities of the players and adjust to them accordingly (example: use batting tee ).
- If you are unable to attend a game, you must contact the other coaches and ensure other coaches will be in attendance.